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Meet the team...

Daniel Seldon

Founder MD

Daniel conceived Jolly Turtle in January 2020 with a clear ambition; to be able to make a difference without it incurring big or expensive changes to daily life.


Daniel’s entrepreneurial spirit led to the realisation that daily lunches around the world can be single-use plastic-free  reusable sandwich bags and reusable yoghurt pots carried to school or work in a reusable foldaway bag! Simple!

Daniel’s passions include snorkelling, exploring, fish, and animals – preferably in places that are sunny and warm!


Jean-Paul Deelchand

Finance and Supply Chain Director

Jean-Paul has spent most of his career working globally as an Engineer. Within his industry Jean-Paul continually promotes environmental improvement and he is also Chartered with the Institute of the Environment.


With the launch of the Jolly Turtle he hopes support making easy and affordable solutions, allowing everyone to make a difference to our planet. Jean-Paul's main hobbies are cooking and bread making when he has the chance!


Raffaella Esposito

Marketing and Social Media Manager

Hi there, my name is Raffaella and I am an Italian living in London since 2012. I come from a little gem in the south of Italy nearby the seaside.


So, it's not hard to believe that I am truly excited to be part of Jolly Turtle Ltd team and I can't wait to show you all the amazing products we can offer you that will help protect our oceans and seas.

Lots of hobbies...volleyball, yoga, horse-jumping, rollerblading, snorkeling, diving and everything that comes by being surrounded by nature!


Emily Welfare

Marketing and Design Manager

With the want to make a change in our planets environment and a passion for all things creative, Emily joined the team in order to assist in the design aspects of Jolly Turtle.


With past experience in not just design but in marketing, video and photography, Emily was keen to become an integral part of the Jolly Turtle team and help create some incredible products! 


Her main hobbies include filmmaking, arts and crafts and reading! 

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-27 at

Nathaniel Deelchand

Research Analyst

Nathaniel joined  Jolly Turtle with an aim to clean up the environment. Nathaniel tries to do as much as he can for the environment, so joining the Jolly Turtle was the perfect fit.


Nathaniel's hobbies are swimming, wakeboarding, and animals.

Our mission

keep me trash free.jpg

In the last decade, our plastic creation and wastage has increased exponentially. Worldwide, we produce 300 million tons of plastic each year, half of which is for single-use items. Our marine life is subjected to the influxes of plastic waste in their habitats, with nearly 40% of our oceans’ surfaces contaminated with plastic waste. Scientists predict that at the current rate our plastic wastage will outweigh all the fish in the sea by 2050. The increasing dangers this is causing to the wildlife in our oceans is substantial; creatures such as the Sea Turtle eat these plastics mistaking them for food, causing irreversible damage including to critically endangered species.

We at Jolly Turtle have a vision to assist in making our world a more sustainable place to live, by creating affordable, high quality products that will help reduce plastic creation and waste. The elimination of certain single-use plastics such as carrier bags, fresh produce packaging, and straws are just a small step to preserving our seas and oceans, and we are committed in taking positive steps towards creating a better environment for our oceanic wildlife again.

Jolly Turtle is a proud member of Big Blue Ocean Cleanup, a global charity that dedicates itself to cleaning our oceans and assisting the marine life therein. Jolly Turtle Ltd will donate 10% of our proceeds of every sale to this charity, enabling our customers to be part of the mission to reduce plastic waste in our oceans. 


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