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We want to help reduce the amount of waste in our oceans... but you can't do that without a team!
Visit About Us page to find out more about our small but growing team.

Proud members of
Big Blue Ocean Cleanup!
The team at Jolly Turtle are delighted to announce that we are official members of the Big Blue Ocean Cleanup!
If you would like to find out more about this fantastic company, click on their logo to visit their website! We cannot wait to collaborate further with them!
Check Out Our Instagram!
Reducing our plastic waste one step at a time could help create major change in our world. At Jolly Turtle, we have designed new high quality products that can replace some single-use plastic items that we use every day. Using less single-use plastic will help reduce the amount that goes into our oceans, damaging the wildlife and fauna therein.
Head to our Products page to see what we have to offer, and how you can help create a more sustainable way of life for our planet!